Business trip crash course 101

Things that you absolutely need to bring to assure a smooth experience: A very large thermos. Hotels usually give those dinky-ass Keurig coffee makers or the small brewers and only boil single cups at a time. How am I supposed to store my hot water?? (For best results, leech water…

I take back the Keepass retirement post

...mostly. I brought my Librem laptop over to my apartment while I was running some errands. Gleefully uninstalled Mono and Keepass2, and installed KeepassXC. I download my updated .kdbx and .keyx files. I get an error I don't expect. The KeepassXC repo shows a number of issues relating to this…

My Kickstarter SBCs are finally shipping

Last year I pledged for a batch of Zimaboards on Kickstarter. Very cool boards. I ordered 3 because I had big plans for them, 1 for use at my parents' place to improve general internet QoL, 2 for development and my own apartment's home networking. Expectation: Reality: Something something supply…

Self reflection on learning new programming languages

I'm currently in the middle of a schedule to get a new job before official return to office in June. Might as well strike the iron while I am still living with nary a care for dealing with cooking or cleaning by myself. This is the best conditions I could…

Replacing Audiotechnica earpads

I bought some like new Audiotechnica ATH-M30 headphones for extremely cheap ($38) in 2014. The model was getting discontinued, and newer models were already very popular, so taking advantage of the price drop was a no brainer. The sound quality was immaculate, but long term use showed some glaring problems…