Base building adventures in Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Part II

In this post I'll be introducing my underlings NPCs devoted to the rebuilding of human civilization.

Part I is available here.

NOTE: If some pictures are too small, open image in new tab to see the full size.

Some of these screenshots I only took now, so their skills are already boosted to high levels of competency. So when I talk about how bad their skills are, know that I was talking about pre-textbook levels. Just focus on their traits and stats in the picture.

Here's the background. The "mundane" scenario starts you off in an abandoned evacuation shelter, possibly with one NPC. There is a console that will direct you to a populated refugee center on the map, where survivors have set up a fortified camp and basic means of commerce.

Evac shelter with barebones waiting area. Contains protein rations, water, and some other emergency supplies. The important part is the console.
The console links you to the refugee center within the large "overmap" tile. If rivers or large forests are in the way, good luck pathing to it.

To expand on this, each large "overmap" tile is comprised of 180x180 smaller tiles. One of the small tiles contains a specific location, whether it be a building, road, river, forest, etc.

I stitched together two of the maps for this beauty. One icon = one small tile. The red building at the top is the evac shelter. The overmap is made of 180x180 of these. Yep, the world is vast and infinite. Fun fact, that evac shelter isn't even on the same overmap as the closest refugee center. I've already found 2 refugee centers, and neither of them are in the same overmap as that evac shelter .

Each overmap has special generation for "unique" locations to make sure they stay rare. It's possible for some unique locations to not even spawn in the overmap, so your best bet is to travel to the next overmap and hope map generation RNG is kind to you. Overmaps will always have one refugee center.

Once you reach the refugee center, you can find beggars in the lobby denied entry into the main group.

Beggars in the refugee center lobby you can recruit. The centers and NPCs are static so you can see multiple centers and their NPC clones after exploring multiple overmaps. This screenshot is from a second refugee center I haven't completed questlines.

And onto the introductions!

Here is the list of my current followers. They're ordered by hire time with one exception, top NPC being hired the earliest. The exception is the beggar group, they joined after I already got Orville Goff.

The last 3 NPCs are recruits Floretta found from the camp's recruit mission. More on that later.

Floretta Stahl (refugee center merc)

My first hire. She's the merc for hire available in the first refugee center. It looks like each refugee center has a merc available so you can get a guaranteed NPC with decent gear for the right price. The mercs come with guns and ok firearm skills.

They're also extremely expensive to hire, 750 Merch (the refugee center scrip). You can slowly accumulate Merch by dropping off long shelf life goods like smoked meat, dehydrated vegetables, cornmeal, flour, salt, etc. Once you have a good farm or hunting setup, it's only a matter of transporting everything for dropoff.

The beggars

Brandon Garder

I don't think there's a single NPC in my list as useless as Garder. You can see his awful traits and stats for yourself. 2 perception. The baseline stat numbers are 8 for everything.

His biggest problem, for reasons I can't figure out yet, is that I've grinded him up to decent skill levels now (beyond this screenshot), but he is incapable of picking up any tools and doing work. So his only function in the camp is sorting out loot or the "disappear from world and reappear in a few days" crafting or foraging missions. Really hurts that he can't chop trees or cut logs, but at least the base missions are purely skill level checks, and there's a designated warm body to sort loot.

Imagine being far sighted and near sighted. No wonder this dude got denied entry into the refugee group. Not only is he literally a useless leeching warm body, if he finds himself in combat, he'll drag everyone down with him.
Imagine being far sighed AND near sighted. No wonder this dude got denied entry into the refugee group. Not only is he literally a useless leeching warm body, if he finds himself in combat, he'll drag literally everyone else down with his awful traits. 

Luo Meizhen

Proof that being an academic doctorate won't help you in a post-apocalyptic world.  I remember that most of her skills were 0 during recruitment. After grinding her skills up, she's pretty good around the base doing almost anything.

Mycology is study of fungi. There's also a fungal infestation that's arguably more dangerous than the zombies, but the game balance is broken for the Mycus. Most people (including me) play with it disabled until it's overhauled.

Reena Sandhu

She's the NPC running around with the blue blanket wrapped around her. You can see her in the first post's screenshots and the second refugee center's lobby in this post. Initially near Garder's level of uselessness, because her trait makes her mood constantly fluctuate. At early points of the beggar skill grind, she fell behind because she was "too sad" to join a group textbook read-along session. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that status (too bad I don't have a screenshot of this).

Since joining the camp, it seems like her mood has mostly stabilized...? I just left her to read by herself and grind skills. I think she's also incapable of picking up tools and doing work just like Garder.

Even as a tEaChiNG ExPeRt, you really wonder how she survived before the apocalypse.

Stacey Templeton

A merc I found from the commune ranch's bar. After doing a few quests given by an Old Guard representative in the refugee center (Old Guard claim to be members of the old government and military before the Cataclysm hit) you'll be directed to a commune ranch to further help civilization rebuild.

He took whatever Merch I had after hiring Floretta. I usually send him off to cut logs.

Are all the mercs parkour experts and psychopaths or something??

Orville Goff

The strange lactose intolerant pizzaolo I talked about in the first post. His questline is to commit arson and murder on the people who've allegedly wronged him.

I only bothered to get 2 inhalers so that's all the help you're getting from me buddy. Be happy I gave them to you, Garder gets NO inhalers.

A really irritating but hilariously contrived situation came up when I was doing the initial read-alongs with Floretta, Stacey, and Orville. Floretta and Stacey have Slow Reader, and Orville has Fast Reader. (I guess as static NPCs, the mercs have the exact same range of stats and traits.) From level 0 of the exact same skill, Orville leveled more quickly. This was a nightmare when Orville could no longer learn from the book I was still reading to other two, but I couldn't switch to another book because it'd be too advanced for them understand. Random acts of unintentional RNG cruelty.

Rescued prototype cyborgs

I've already talked about where the prototype cyborgs came from in the first post.

Their skill and stat spreads are much better than the beggars', but most of them aren't too relevant for base building. Not much else to say about them specifically, besides that I removed all their bad bionics and now they're quite self-sufficient.

All the good bionics left on each cyborg. Marcella was clearly meant to be an archer, starting with 5 in archery is pretty nuts. Too bad the camp is too secluded to need her combat expertise.

The only standout cyborg is MVP of the entire camp. Hermina Farias started with marksmanship of 6. This is actually extremely lucky and impressive, because the best textbook can only bring marksmanship up to 3. It's one of the few skills that can't be grinded from textbooks. The only way to train this skill further is just using ranged weapons like bows or firearms a lot. For reference, my marksmanship is still 5, 31% to 6. It takes a very very long time to train.

Hermina's marksmanship turned from "doubt I'll use you in combat but cool" into the most important skill in camp thanks to the "Hunting Large Game" base mission. I didn't even know hunting was dependent on marksmanship until I saw the description.

You will probably never see Hermina, because I will keep her occupied hunting animals forever.

The first time I sent her out, she was hunting for a week. It looks like every 6 hours there's a roll for what kind of corpse is added to the final loot pool. She came back with some disgusting, disgusting game.

Three cougars and a cow, that is unbelievable. Hermina is the white-haired girl on the bottom, this is probably the last you'll ever see of her. She's always hunting.

First of all, it is absolutely broken that NPCs can produce game from thin air. Cows are too rare in the wild and valuable for infinite milk so you should never butcher any you find. But magically generated ones like these, huge haul.

(Some corpses are highlighted in yellow because if they're not pulped, they will revive as zombie versions after a day or so. Pulping or damaging corpses will reduce yield, so those meant for the butcher rack should be kept in pristine condition.)

The final spoils from that huge haul. Over 250kg of meat, and a ton of fat. Most of it came from the cow.

If you're wondering what sweetbread is, no, it is not sweet bread. When I initially saw it I was confused. So was my sister. But it is, in fact, a legitimate meat term.

How much food did that week of hunting yield?

177kg of sausages just from the chunks of meat. The offal was processed into other foods since they can't be smoked. And yes, vitamins are a thing. I have big problems with Vitamin A deficiency.
Lol. The final camp donation after setting aside a few sausages for myself.
Nearly doubled the food supply, with well over a year's worth of stockpiled calories. Amazing.

Good job, Hermina. A week brought back over 2 seasons and a half worth of calories. Disgusting. To be fair, you absolutely can't count on every haul to yield jackpots like cows, moose, and bears, but when they show up, they singlehandedly make up for a dozen other mediocre hauls and set the camp food supply ahead by months.

Another jackpot haul, 750kg of corpses. I think this was 2 weeks of hunting. A bear AND a pig, I've run out of words to express my disbelief at how high of a return Hermina's free marksmanship has given the camp. SHE should be leader of the camp at this point!

Ben "Hunger" Bynum

There's a radio tower you can build, which adds a base function to recruit NPCs generated from thin air.

It's the computer with the tower sticking out at the top.

Recruiting takes 4 days and your NPC might find no one, find someone who wasn't interested in joining, or find someone who's willing to hear a recruitment offer.

It says it uses speech skill here, but the UI for choosing an NPC to send out says it depends on marksmanship. Someone probably forgot to change their copypaste of the hunting mission UI. Also, risk says high, but Floretta hasn't encountered danger yet.

Ben is the first recruit. This dude lives up to his nickname, hungry, and not much good for anything else. Literally only skill level is in social which is useless. Everything else is 0, unbelievable. Still, I wanted to recruit him – a warm body is a warm body – so I increased the amount of food I was willing to take out of camp supply to give to him. I upped the food offer so recruit chance was 100%, and boom, new follower. Not much else to say about him, he's still grinding skill levels.

Vincent Lu

After getting Ben, Floretta had 2-3 more failed recruitment attempts before the next prospect showed up. After Ben's unimpressive abilities, I was not holding my breath when Floretta came back with a Vincent Lu who wants to hear my offer.

And then I saw his overview window.

We got a blind and weak Asian nerd over here. This window alone makes me wonder if the game actually draws from a pool of skills and stats for a particular NPC's name/ethnicity. I highly doubt it because that system would be too high effort low reward to be worth implementing. BUT IT REALLY MAKES ME WONDER????

Never increased the food offer to 100% recruit chance so fast in my life. Those stats, while not great for base building, are actually crazy. He also started with a computer book or two in his inventory. Too bad he's not wearing a Linux tshirt or it would've been near perfect. Yes, Linux tshirts are specific clothing that exist in the game.

My only complaint here is that he's FAR SIGHTED??? NOT NEAR SIGHTED? ASIAN NERD ROLEPLAY RUINED.

Dell Vasquez

My latest recruitment. After a meh Ben and a nerd, I wasn't sure what to expect.

Definitely not expecting this.

After the nerd, we have a literal dumbass on our hands. But that 8 social though, wtf. Clearly a dumbass who learned that she wasn't getting through life with her brains, so she learned to rely on other people and train her outdoor survival skills. Stat spread is awful but oh boy are her skills top notch. Too bad the 8 is in social. (Marksmanship?? Please??)

So she joins.

Her initial stats before the grind. She is going to spend a long long time grinding those skills up... but with such good skill levels already, it more than makes up for the reading slowdown, Her skills and traits are SO GOOD!! The overview window did not do her justice, except on the low intelligence. 4 in dodge is especially crazy, arguably the hardest skill to level up in game.

It's a little odd she's overburdened, but ok, let's see what she has, unload the unnecessary junk, give her a better backpack, the usual procedure for new followers.

Let's see what she's carr-


I don't have screenshots of the next page of her inventory, but it was another half page of fuses in plastic bags. All the ingredients needed to make more explosives.

That 2 intelligence really does not tell the whole story.

just wat

Special mention to that AAA Guide. No points for guessing which version she had in her bag.

That's it for now. Next post, I'll try to show the base building progression and some day to day activities around the camp.

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